DA Reconstructive Facial Contouring Surgery
uses 3D Printing system
Reconstructing a bone modeling of the patient facial bone
that have been overly corrected from the first surgery
to make precise bone-implant
Customized bone-implant that reflects the patient's
skeletal shape and curvature of the patient's facial structure
are used for better surgery results
DA Plastic Surgery improves unnatural face lines from the overly removed facial bone
from previous surgery through a 3D printing system that reconstructs bone implants
precisely for each patient's condition.
DR. Lee Sang Woo director of DA Plastic Surgery has established
a thesis about Reconstructive Facial Contouring in August, 2013.
The surgical method of reconstructing a patient’s facial structure
that has been overly reduced from previous surgery is mentioned in this thesis.
Furthermore, he emphasized that during revision or reconstructive facial
contouring surgeries, reconstructing the jaw-line between jaw to front chin
is more crucial than removing more bones.
After 3 months
After 3 months
After 3 months
After 3 months
A surgery that does not take consideration of the patient’s
facial bone structure may bring false result but reconstructive facial contouring surgery
that uses a 3D printing system to gather accurate information about the facial structure
before the surgery to create precise bone-implant needed by the patient will only be successful.
There are currently three main materials available for medical use.
The most safe material that has been in use for a long time |
stable material developed for bone reconstruction |
Bone-to-Bone fusion can occurs |
Suitable for altering shapes Not suitable for |
Main components are equivalent to teeth and bones |
Weaker durability than other materials |
Not suitable for improving face volume |
Used as an artificial bone tissue for medical purposes in Korea |
Not easily removed after bone fusion |
negative reaction to metal may occur |
No deformation, no bone absorption and easily removable |
3D CT Scan
Detailed Consultation
with Specialist Surgeon
Create bone models using
consultation and 3D CT
2nd Consultation based
on created bone model
implemented operation
Completion of natural and perfect face line
that is customized to individual customers'
facial structure for perfect face line
Customized diagnosis system for each patient
Established a system by considering not only facial bones but also
soft tissues such as muscles, fat, and skin elasticity that are different
for each individual through various diagnostic equipment
Plastic Surgeon Responsible Surgery
Surgery performed by a plastic surgeon with
various clinical experiences and advanced
know-how for each case
Continuous research on facial contouring
Continuous academic activities and research on
new surgical methods for facial contouring
Large-scale medical system B1~12F
DA Building is a large-scale
single building that
specializes in consultation,
treatment, surgery, and
recovery on each floor.
We have completed
systematic collaboration and
state-of-the-art facilities to
provide medical services with
high satisfaction to our customers.
Systematic surgery plan guidance through 1:1 customized consultation
Dedicated medical staff surgery post-care.
Systematic medical cooperation system by field.
9 Anesthesiologists reside in DA Plastic Surgery Clinic
various medical equipment
Equipped with hotel-class hospitalization rooms for comfortable recovery